About mid-May this year, I was diagnosed with Acute Myloid Leukemia (AML). I recently began treatment and will update my progress as often as I can.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mark had a treatment yesterday. Today he is so tired and weak that it is hard for him to do anything. He keeps loosing weight. He is down to 137 pounds now and we hope he starts to gain weight soon. We had a good Christmas with family and friends coming here to be with us. Keep us in your prayers and pray hard that this drug works. We know it can with God's help.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

Amy, Kenny, their kids, Mary, John, Sary, Mom and Dad were able to visit Mark and Lola for Christmas Eve. Lola made ham, potatoes, beans and carrots. We had a great time together enjoying each others company, and watching the kids open presents. Mark is very thin and weak, but is alert and has his mischievous humor. What a blessing the spend the day with Mark and Lola!

December 22, 2010

Mark was cleared to go back to the extended stay hotel. The bleeding was due to the extreme drop in platelets, and the He can go back to the extended stay motel tonight.

December 21, 2010

Mark is back in the hospital. He went in today for his experimental treatment. They discovered his blood counts and platelets where very, very low. He has blood in his stool and lost 14 pounds. Drs are running tests to see what is going on. He can not start the experimental program until they know what is going on. Please keep them in your prayers.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Release Day

Mark and Lola were released from U of M hospital in-patient status today. They now will live at an extended stay motel in Ann Arbor while Mark continues out-patient treatment. Thank for all the prayers!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mark is keeping food down and feeling better, but the Dr.s won't let him leave the hospital until Monday. He will need to stay in an extended stay hotel near U of M hospital for now.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Thankful to get to visit with Mark and Lola at U of M Hospital today. Mark is able to eat broth and noodles and his health seems to be gradually improving. Thanks to God for his healing power, love, for friends, and family.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yesterday they went in with a scope to see if they can find out why Mark is having so much stomach and chest pain. Earlier this week they took him off the solid food and put him back on broth. He is still having a lot of stomach cramps and can't seem to sleep through the night. Please keep praying for God's healing power.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10

Mark seems to be feeling a little better each day. He still has his days and nights mixed up, but they all seem the same in the hospital. He is still able to eat potatoes and broth. His feet hurt. They think it is neuropathy from the meds he is on. This makes it hard to walk, and Mark needs to walk to keep getting better. Please keep praying.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8

Mark was able to have mashed potatoes and gravy today for dinner and is still feeling good! It is another answered prayer and closer to God's healing. Thank you for all your prayers!

Sunday, November 7

Mark is doing well. He gets to have chicken broth and Gatorade to drink. He walked two miles today. Great job Mark! Thank you God for answered prayers. Thank you to Lola for being there to keep Mark fighting. Thank you to all who are praying for strength and healing for Mark. Please continue to pray, God is listening!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sunday, October 31

Came home from visiting with Mark and Lola this afternoon. Mark is still weak and tired, but he is starting to look a bit better. The doctor came in and said the GVHD seems to be less of a problem with the new Thymogloblin Medicine. They are now thinking they will continue it this week instead of trying campath and they are able to reduce some of the other medication as well. Lola looks good too. Continue to pray for strength and health for Lola.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 28

They couldn't use the ECP machine today because Mark's blood count was not where it needed to be. He is very tired today to because of the blood transfusions and platelets. He did get up this morning and took a walk. They have another drug, called campath, they may try on Monday depending on how the weekend goes. Please keep them in prayer!

Wednesday, October 27

Mark seems to be a little better today. He and Lola did their walk. He will get platelets and blood tonight. Tomorrow they will do the ECP machine. That's the one that cleans out his blood. They had to quit using it before because his GVH disease was so bad and they needed to start the thymoglobulin medication.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Graft vs. Host Disease

They have confirmed Mark is fighting graft vs. host disease. A little is good, but too much can be life threatening. Many remedies have been tried and so far nothing has made an impact. Mark has become very weak and tired. He has had many transfusions, and platelets. Yesterday they put his blood through a machine to be cleaned. Today they are starting a new treatment, Thymoglobulin, that is made from rabbit serum. We hope this will help Mark to begin feeling better soon. Recent initial bone marrow test results look good. We are still waiting on the rest of the results. Thank you for your prayers! Please keep them coming!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We are not sure why Mark is getting weaker. Not all the tests have come back yet. They think it might be graft versus host disease, a complication that occurs when the new stem cells react against your body. It can be mild or it can become life threatening. It can be good to have some because it attacks cancer cells that remain in your body after the stem cell transplant. We pray that it's just enough.

Monday, October 11, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

After many xrays and tests, we still do not know what is causing the fevers, nausea and headaches. Mark is getting weaker and weaker. In the midst of this, the Dr. from the experimental treatment program came to let us know that Mark is responding to the experimental treatments, and they can continue the program. Once they know what is causing his other symptoms, and know how to treat them, they can set a schedule to start the experimental treatments again.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mark and Lola headed back to U of M hospital today for blood tests. They gave Mark some platelets and red blood cells. Tonight at 9:30pm he has an xray. = long day

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mark was able to go home with antibiotics for the pneumonia. So thankful for Lola, who is at his side 24 hours a day to provide the care and support he needs. We love you both so much!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Good news, Bad news roller coaster

Thanking God that Mark's blood test came back with good cell counts on Thursday. Since then, he developed a fever and was admitted to Holland Hospital with pneumonia. Things can change from encouraging to discouraging in a moment when you have aml. Please keep praying. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Mark and Lola have been able to stay at home in Holland this week. Mark has been starting to feel weak and tired again. He will go into Spectrum tomorrow for blood cell testing. Please pray that they will have accurate blood tests, that they will know what can be done to make Mark feel better, and what can be done to heal him.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Long Day, Good News

Mark had a long day at the hospital today. He started off with chemo, and later had a bone marrow aspiration. But thankfully, his blood counts are good right now, and they gave him the OK to come home for the weekend. Thank you, Lord!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Grateful Mark is feeling a bit stronger. His throat is less sore, and he was even able to eat some pizza yesterday - finally some normalcy! Today he is back at the hospital for another long day of chemo. Thank you for keeping them in your prayers at this vital time of treatment. They miss home, family, friends and work. Your cards, calls, and prayers mean a lot.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mark and Lola went to the hospital today so Mark could have a blood transfusion. This will help him to feel a lot better. Today was a short day, but tomorrow will be another long day at the hospital. Thanks for all the prayers.

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of the Experimental Treatment Program

Mark's throat is feeling a bit better, so he can eat a bit more. He and Lola were at the hospital today so he could begin the experimental treatment program. Please pray that this works. The days are VERY LONG. They miss everybody. It was great to have family come to visit this weekend. Please keep the prayers coming.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Grateful for a beautiful day enjoying each other's company and sitting in the sun with Mark, Lola, Amy, Mom and Dad at the cottage. Mark and Lola have decided to go ahead with the experimental research. Mark will begin a lower dose of chemotherapy with the goal of putting the cancer in remission over three weeks. We will likely know over the next week if he is responding to the chemotherapy. Please keep praying for complete healing for Mark.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mark will be starting a new chemotherapy for three weeks starting next week. It's part of a study at U of M under a different doctor. Please pray for healing, wisdom and peace for Mark, Lola and the whole family.

Monday, September 13, 2010

NOT What We Wanted to Hear

We had some very difficult news today. Mark's AML came back very aggressively. The U of M team is not able to do anything else but refer him to an experimental treatment program. Mark and Lola meet with them tomorrow to learn about the program and will need to decide by Wednesday if they want to enroll. Please pray for God's wisdom and peace. We are all a bit stunned at this turn of events.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mark and Lola went to the hospital today for blood tests and to meet with the Doctor. So far its been pretty cold and windy at the cottage. Mark's throat is still quite sore when he swallows, but it should get better before too long. Had a nice visit from Dave and Faith yesterday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mark went back to the hospital today to pick up a couple more prescriptions and to use the Internet. He's still struggling with a sore throat. But at least he's not in the hospital. The cottage should work out well for them, but the days are still dragging.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day +18

Mark gets out of the hospital today! He still has to take the I.V. with him to the cabin "home", and so he won't be running around much. Still, it's much better to be "home."

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day +17

Mark's throat is still sore. It's hard to eat, but he's doing good. He doesn't sleep good at night so he tires easily. Tomorrow we get to go to the cabin on the lake! God is good!! Thanks to everyone for the prayers!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day + 16

Mark's a little better. He had a good day today. Curtis and Nancy were here this morning, and Jeff, Rosie, and the boys came up this afternoon. Mark got a get out free pass, so he could take his walk outside. Now he is tired and taking a nap. Jeff and family are coming back to have dinner with us. It is so nice to be able to have dinner with family!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day + 15

Mark managed to eat some cereal for breakfast this morning. His mouth is still sore, but he got it down. It was a long night again. He walked a mile at midnight, that makes 4 miles today.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day + 14

Mark's throat still hurts. They reduced his Morphine last night and the pain kept him awake. His counts still look good and everything else looks good. Hopefully his throat will get better when we get out of here on Tuesday!!! Please keep praying!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day +13

The doctor was in today and said the stem cells are grafting and making healthy blood cells. If the blood counts keep going up, and the throat stops hurting, Mark gets to leave on Tuesday!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the prayers!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day + 12

Mark's mouth and throat are still very sore, but they're a little better than yesterday. His blood count numbers continue to come up and they look good. We have been good at walking 2 miles a day. We asked when Mark could get out of here, and they told us not until his mouth is all better.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day + 11

Mark's mouth and throat are still real sore. The staff said he spiked yesterday, so now he is on his way up. He should begin letting Amy's cells unpack their boxes and feel welcome in their new home. He still doesn't feel like wearing the pink boxers yet, so I don't know.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day + 10

Mark still has a sore throat and hasn't eaten anything since yesterday morning. It just hurts too much. He walked one mile this morning, but only walked 1 1/2 total yesterday. He will get blood today because his H.G.B.C. red blood is low. That is normal for this point after the transplant. Thanks for all the prayers!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day + 9

Mark has a real bad sore throat. Please pray he doesn't get another infection. He did walk 1 mile this morning. Kenny came to visit him last night. It was good to see him. Amy will come up today. Mark won't do much talking it hurts too much, but it will be good to see her too. Mom sent some homemade cookies. It's too bad Mark's throat hurts so bad. I guess I'll have to eat them. :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day + 8

Mark just went for his first one mile walk for today. He has been walking 2 miles a day and is feeling pretty good. He tires easily, but we hope he stays strong so we can get out soon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day + 7

Mark received his second Neupogen shot this afternoon. His blood counts may still drop a bit before the shots turn them around. Everything else is going good. His exercising and appetite are good. We are PRAISING GOD that everything is going so well!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day + 6

Mark is feeling pretty good this morning he went for his one mile walk. He is now taking his nap. His blood counts are way low - just how they are supposed to be right now. He will get his Neopogen shots at 2:00pm this afternoon, then his counts will start coming back up. Day +6 is the bottom for his blood cells, then they start coming back up using Amy's.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day + 5

Things are going good. We are hanging in there and doing what we can to make time go faster. Its not easy, but we are managing the best we can. I should start my Neupogen shots tomorrow, which should get my counts starting to move back up again, and hopefully us moving out of here in about a week or so.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day + 4

Mark is doing pretty good this morning. He already went for a mile walk. His blood counts are coming down, just as they should. He is getting a blood transfusion right now. He is tired and bored and ready to get out of here.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day + 3

Mark is feeling pretty good. He did finish his 1 mile walk yesterday, and already has 1/2 mile in this morning. He is working on the model ship Mom got him. Good job, Mom! The days and nights are long here, but we are counting the days until we can get out. Thanks for all the prayers!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day + 2

Mark went for a 1/2 mile walk this morning and said his stomach feels a little crampy, but other than that not too bad. Yesterday he walked for a full mile. He will go for a walk again later today if he feels up to it. Keep him in your prayers.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day + 1

Just trying to get through another day. The time really goes slow and it is really hard to not keep watching the clock. This is day +1. Did go for a little over a 1/2 mile walk this morning.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Transplant Day = Mark's Second Birthday

Mark got his stem cell transplant today at 2:26pm. All went well and we were happy to have Amy, Mary and Mom here with us. They made the day go much better because they had the doctors and nurses laughing so much it was more like a party. We just thank God for our family and friends and for all their prayers. We know that we are truly blessed.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 18

The transplant was rescheduled to Friday, August 20. Mark has developed a secondary cancer and will need two extra days of chemo before the transplant takes place. Thank you for your continued prayers!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday, August 17


Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, August 16

Good morning, Mark is pretty much the same. His pills are making him sleep a lot, but that's good because he doesn't get much sleep at night. Two days of chemotherapy down now, and today he starts a different kind. Keep us in your prayers. Met Brenda VanderWege yesterday, she and her husband are from Holland too.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, August 15

Mark is still having issues with his stomach, but everything else seems to be going OK. We need to go for a walk and doesn't always want to, but you know me, what Lola wants, Lola gets. He doesn't have to like it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13

Mark and Lola have checked in at University of Michigan Cancer Hospital. He starts chemotherapy Saturday morning. Mark's stomach is giving him problems. Please pray that all goes well.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 11

Mark still is not feeling his best, but is getting closer to his time at U of M. I have to pack what we need to for three or four months, but can't think straight. I know I will forget something - Oh Well! Thanks to all our family and friends, we are truly blessed. Thanks to my nieces for all their hard work by having a yard sale to help with expenses. Please keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 10

We did get the test results yesterday, and we are still on schedule. We check in U of M Hospital Friday morning, start chemo Saturday, and have the transplant August 19. I'm still having some stomach issues lately, but they did start me on some pre-chemo pills that are supposed to keep me from getting real sick. Lola's getting everything packed. 100 days seems like a long time to be away from home.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, August 9

Two weeks until the Bob Evans Restaurant benefit for Mark VandeBerg.

When: Monday, August 23, 2010, 6:ooam to 9:00pm

Where: Bob Evans, 594 E. 24th St.,Holland, MI 49423

What: 15% of sales will benefit Mark VandeBerg toward his fight with leukemia when you present the flier.

(Please print attached picture and bring with you to Bob Evans)

Hosted by East Saugatuck CRC.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday, August 6

Asking for extra prayer for Mark. He had a sore throat and Doctors gave him an antibiotic to take. He has to have a blood test in Grand Rapids on Monday morning at 7:30. Blood test will be sent to U of M. Please pray that the infections will be gone from his body so there will be no road blocks to the scheduled transplant. Thank you!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday, August 5

After many tests, physicals, and deliberation, it has been determined that Amy will be the stem cell donor for Mark. Amy begins preparations for stem cell harvesting on August 15, with the stem cell harvest scheduled for August 19 and August 20 if more stem cells are needed. Please continue to pray the harvest, transplant, and stem cell growth in Mark will all go well. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday, August 3

My brother, John, had some abnormalities with his liver and kidneys from his blood tests in Ann Arbor yesterday. This could be from his long trip up from New Orleans, and from the energy drinks he was drinking. Now both John and Amy will take tests on Wednesday to see if Amy may need to be the donor if John's tests don't improve. I guess we'll see on Wednesday.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday, July 31

Feeling pretty good today, yesterday I was tired all day. My brother, John, should be here tomorrow so he can take some tests he needs to on Monday and Tuesday. We are anxious to get things going, even though 100 days in Ann Arbor seems like a long time to be away. We are still overwhelmed and thankful for all the support from church, family and friends.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday, July 29

Mark had six different appointments in Ann Arbor yesterday, most of them went good. We even made it to the spaghetti supper, but not until about 7:30pm. Wished we could have made it earlier, but couldn't be avoided. Lola and I were thrilled with the turn out, all the support of family and friends, and what an awesome church that we are so happy to be a part of. God has truly blessed us in so many ways!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, July 26

Ok, as Mark's sister I can push a bit for a great cause. Come to the Spaghetti and Shave fundraiser for Mark at East Saugatuck Church this week Wednesday. Mark's family and friends are giving it there all to help. There will be a blood and bone marrow drive, spaghetti dinner, face painting, head shaving and hair streaking, bake sale and auction items. We are planning to have items to make this worth your while! I'm making my best granny smith pies, one with a struesel topping and one with two crusts and just a sprinkle of sugar. Then there are two strawberry-rhubarb pies, each nice and tart with just enough sugar to make a grown man cry. :0 ) So bring lots of cash and come early. We are planning a great evening and hope to raise money for Mark and Lola to stay in Ann Arbor for the 3 or 4 months Mark needs to be in the area after the transplant. See you there!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23

Thursday, Mark had a long day at Spectrum. He arrived at 9:30am to have his blood counts checked, and needed two units of blood and one additional unit of platelets. Finally made it back home at 6:30pm. Friday, Mark is feeling a lot better, had a wonderful salmon dinner with Todd, Mary and Katie. Next week Wednesday, Mark goes to Uof M for some tests and preparations for the bone marrow transplant.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday, July 22

It is up to 17 weeks of vacation and I am overwhelmed with the support Trendway has been giving. Trendway people are truly amazing. Lola and I can hardly express how thankful we are to all our many friends there. Back to Spectrum for more blood work and probably another transfusion today. I have been feeling really good. I Still get tired fast and have to be careful with my blood counts being so low.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21

Many co-workers from Trendway, have very generously donated 14 WEEKS of vacation days so Mark can delay a Medical Leave. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for their gifts! Words can't come close to expressing our deep appreciation and thanks!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday, July 20

Mark went in to have his blood tested on Monday. His counts were so low that he needed platelets. Spectrum staff treating Mark explained this is pretty normal. Mark goes back to Spectrum to have his counts checked again Thursday and will likely need more platelets. All considered, Mark is doing well and hopes to go to the Spaghetti Supper Fund Raiser at East Saugatuck CRC next week Wednesday. Please come and join us!

You're invited:
Spaghetti Supper Fund Raiser for Mark
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
3pm - 7pm blood and marrow dirve
5:30 - 10:00pm Supper
East Saugatuck CRC
3815 56th Street
(269) 751-5889
Head shaving, pink hair extensions, face painting,
bake sale, homemade pie auction, chair massage,
blood and bone marrow drive and more...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 18

The schedule for the stem cell transplant is in:
August 2, Mark's brother John has a physical to verify he is able to give stem cells.

August 9, Mark goes into U of M for third round of chemotherapy to kill any remaining cancer cells prior to the transplant.

August 12, John begins a series of 4 shots to build up his stem cell production.

August 16, John donates stem cells through a machine similar to kidney dialysis. Blood is removed by the vein, spun out in a machine that separates the stem cells, gives them to Mark, and returns the blood back to John.

We continue to praise God for a good match, and pray that the transplant will go well and the transplant will take and begin healthy blood cell production for Mark.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday, July 15

The tribe has spoken. Both Mary and Amy were voted off the island of stem cell donors. While Amy was a potential match, brother John, is considered the BEST match. The girls think they were not choosen because they are female and far too young. Please continue to pray that the transplant will be a success.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, July 14

We are celebrating and rejoicing today! There is not only one, but TWO donor matches for Mark. His older brother, John and youngest sister, Amy are BOTH matches. Thank you Lord! GOD IS GOOD!! Mark was also able to go home from the hospital today after completing his second round of chemotherapy. He is weak and has a sore stomach. Further tests were run today on his stomach. Please continue to pray for healing, strength, and that the stem cell transplant will be a success. Thanks for your prayers!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday, July 13

Mark felt pretty good today. His stomach started to get pretty sore again last night. The next batch of chemotherapy started at 6pm, with one more at 6am Wednesday. He's hoping to go home Wednesday afternoon, but after talking with the Doctor last night, he may have to stay longer.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, July 12

Today is going real well. The chemo is just about done for today. Mark will have tomorrow off and then two more bags of chemo that should end about Wednesday at 10:00am. Hopefully he will be able to come home shortly after that. Mark's blood counts will be way down so he will have to be very careful, but they feel it is less likely Mark will catch something at home than in the hospital.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mark is handling the maintenance chemotherapy well so far. He is able to to have some time off from chemo. and even spent 30 minutes in the sunshine today. He will complete this treatment on Tuesday and if he does not develop complications, will be able to go home again.

Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9, 2010

The green light was given to Mark to readmit to Spectrum Butterworth today for his second round of chemotherapy. This will be five continuous days of chemo. with the goal to keep his cancer in remission until a donor is found and the transplant is scheduled. The chemotherapy will leave Mark vulnerable to infections. Please pray for strength, healing and the perfect donor.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010

Mark went in to Spectrum Butterworth prepared for five days of chemotherapy to keep his cancer in remission, and was sent back home until communication is received back from U of M transplant specialists as to coordinate timing.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010

Siblings, John, Mary, and Amy all went in today to have blood drawn and shipped overnight to the U of M transplant specialists. They will look at each sample to determine if it is a match to provide a stem cell transplant for Mark. Please pray that a perfect match will be found for Mark.

July 4, 2010

Mark was at the family get together today, enjoying the sunshine, eating some "real" food, and even teasing a bit. Thank you Lord!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wednesday, June 30

Today Mark went to Ann Arbor for a 2:00pm appointment with the transplant specialists at U of M Hospital. They took some blood tests to identify the type of stem cells needed for a good donation. Information was given so Mark's siblings and son, William, can be contacted and considered for possible donors. If a family donor is not found, they will continue to search for a donor through the national donor registry.

The process for the transplant and recovery will be about a three to 4 month time frame that Mark and Lola will need to stay in Ann Arbor until it's completed. Please Pray for a perfect donor to be found and God's strength and peace as Mark and Lola face a long recovery.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26

The spinal test was given yesterday at 12:30pm. No results of that test are in yet. Doctors are looking to determine if there is any cancer in the spinal fluid. They also gave a chemo treatment to the spinal cord as a proactive measure, since they were working on that area anyway. Next week Wednesday, Mark goes to Ann Arbor to initiate procedures for the stem cell transplant. More information will be in to start the search for a match. Siblings John, Mary, Amy, and son William are potential candidates. Please pray that an affective match will be found.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thank you, Lord! Mark is feeling good today! Thank you for your prayers and support! This week Friday at 12:30pm he has a spinal test. July 8th he starts a second round of chemotherapy for 5 days. Please continue prayers for a complete recovery.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday, June 21

Mark just come back from meeting with Doctor Scott. The rest of the results of the bone marrow biopsy are in. They indicate that Mark will need a stem cell transplant and 5 more days of chemotherapy. Please pray that a donor will be found. Please also pray for strength as Mark remains weak from the first round. The scheduling will be arranged tomorrow. We'll keep you posted. Thanks for all the prayers! We feel them!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19, 2010

Great news! I get to go home for a few days. I have to wait to get a liver scan this morning some time. Then I can go home. I have to see a doctor on Monday to see what the next step will be. Preliminary results of the biopsy are good. It takes longer for some of the results to come in. But we'll take on day at a time. Thanks for all the prayers.

June 18, 2010

Thanks for the prayers and support we have received. We can't thank everybody enough. We truly know how much we are blessed. Thanks to each and everyone.

June 17, 2010

One day later than expected. Just finished biopsy. Sure glad that's done.

June 16, 2010

Feeling pretty good this morning. Still have a tube in my nose. They want to make sure I can keep food down. So far it's been going ok. Biopsy around 1:00pm today. Praying it turns out good.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 8

Mark seems to be turning the corner. His fever is gone, less and less bile is draining from his stomach. It appears that the infection is going away. Mark remains quite tired and weak. He did not sleep at all last night. His mind was not letting him rest. They are talking about a return to the regular floor and out of ICU in the next few days. The bone marrow aspiration and biopsy will be done once he has regained some strength.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, June 7

Mark is feeling much better today, since they removed over 2 liters of bile from his stomach, and changed antibiotics. They ran some blood tests and learned there is no cancer in his blood! A bone marrow aspiration is scheduled for Wednesday to determine if the cancer is still in his bone. They are still working to eliminate the infection. We praise God for the encouraging signs today! Thank you Lord!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday, June 6

Not much sleep last night. Mark was given a CAT scan at 4:30am. Fortunately, that test came back ok. Mark was later moved to ICU where they can more closely monitor his condition. He was assigned a physician that specializes in infections to resolve the infection that seems to be taking over. It's hard to see Mark go through this and yet he actually still smiles, trys to untangle the leads and wires, and talks about the tangled fishing lines.

Saturday, June 5

Another rough day. Mark's fever continues to climb due to an infection. He is confused, uncomfortable, and in and out of sleep.

Friday, June 4, 2010

friday june 4

Not feeling to good today ran fever all night had first transfusion. Will add platelets sometime today and start feeding me through Intravenously today. Bowel infection. Not able to eat. Not up to visitors.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010

Hi, this is day 6 of the chemo. Lola and I are still getting used to the computor and just learning how to get in and use facebook and this blog. My sister Mary is here right now walking us through this so we can attempt to update this on a regular basis.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Getting Started

Well, my brother-in-law just set up this blog spot, and Lola or I will update it as often as we can. Please pray for us and for strength during the chemotherapy regimen.