About mid-May this year, I was diagnosed with Acute Myloid Leukemia (AML). I recently began treatment and will update my progress as often as I can.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Mark and Lola have been able to stay at home in Holland this week. Mark has been starting to feel weak and tired again. He will go into Spectrum tomorrow for blood cell testing. Please pray that they will have accurate blood tests, that they will know what can be done to make Mark feel better, and what can be done to heal him.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Long Day, Good News

Mark had a long day at the hospital today. He started off with chemo, and later had a bone marrow aspiration. But thankfully, his blood counts are good right now, and they gave him the OK to come home for the weekend. Thank you, Lord!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Grateful Mark is feeling a bit stronger. His throat is less sore, and he was even able to eat some pizza yesterday - finally some normalcy! Today he is back at the hospital for another long day of chemo. Thank you for keeping them in your prayers at this vital time of treatment. They miss home, family, friends and work. Your cards, calls, and prayers mean a lot.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mark and Lola went to the hospital today so Mark could have a blood transfusion. This will help him to feel a lot better. Today was a short day, but tomorrow will be another long day at the hospital. Thanks for all the prayers.

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of the Experimental Treatment Program

Mark's throat is feeling a bit better, so he can eat a bit more. He and Lola were at the hospital today so he could begin the experimental treatment program. Please pray that this works. The days are VERY LONG. They miss everybody. It was great to have family come to visit this weekend. Please keep the prayers coming.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Grateful for a beautiful day enjoying each other's company and sitting in the sun with Mark, Lola, Amy, Mom and Dad at the cottage. Mark and Lola have decided to go ahead with the experimental research. Mark will begin a lower dose of chemotherapy with the goal of putting the cancer in remission over three weeks. We will likely know over the next week if he is responding to the chemotherapy. Please keep praying for complete healing for Mark.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mark will be starting a new chemotherapy for three weeks starting next week. It's part of a study at U of M under a different doctor. Please pray for healing, wisdom and peace for Mark, Lola and the whole family.

Monday, September 13, 2010

NOT What We Wanted to Hear

We had some very difficult news today. Mark's AML came back very aggressively. The U of M team is not able to do anything else but refer him to an experimental treatment program. Mark and Lola meet with them tomorrow to learn about the program and will need to decide by Wednesday if they want to enroll. Please pray for God's wisdom and peace. We are all a bit stunned at this turn of events.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mark and Lola went to the hospital today for blood tests and to meet with the Doctor. So far its been pretty cold and windy at the cottage. Mark's throat is still quite sore when he swallows, but it should get better before too long. Had a nice visit from Dave and Faith yesterday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mark went back to the hospital today to pick up a couple more prescriptions and to use the Internet. He's still struggling with a sore throat. But at least he's not in the hospital. The cottage should work out well for them, but the days are still dragging.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day +18

Mark gets out of the hospital today! He still has to take the I.V. with him to the cabin "home", and so he won't be running around much. Still, it's much better to be "home."

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day +17

Mark's throat is still sore. It's hard to eat, but he's doing good. He doesn't sleep good at night so he tires easily. Tomorrow we get to go to the cabin on the lake! God is good!! Thanks to everyone for the prayers!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day + 16

Mark's a little better. He had a good day today. Curtis and Nancy were here this morning, and Jeff, Rosie, and the boys came up this afternoon. Mark got a get out free pass, so he could take his walk outside. Now he is tired and taking a nap. Jeff and family are coming back to have dinner with us. It is so nice to be able to have dinner with family!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day + 15

Mark managed to eat some cereal for breakfast this morning. His mouth is still sore, but he got it down. It was a long night again. He walked a mile at midnight, that makes 4 miles today.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day + 14

Mark's throat still hurts. They reduced his Morphine last night and the pain kept him awake. His counts still look good and everything else looks good. Hopefully his throat will get better when we get out of here on Tuesday!!! Please keep praying!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day +13

The doctor was in today and said the stem cells are grafting and making healthy blood cells. If the blood counts keep going up, and the throat stops hurting, Mark gets to leave on Tuesday!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the prayers!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day + 12

Mark's mouth and throat are still very sore, but they're a little better than yesterday. His blood count numbers continue to come up and they look good. We have been good at walking 2 miles a day. We asked when Mark could get out of here, and they told us not until his mouth is all better.