About mid-May this year, I was diagnosed with Acute Myloid Leukemia (AML). I recently began treatment and will update my progress as often as I can.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mark had a treatment yesterday. Today he is so tired and weak that it is hard for him to do anything. He keeps loosing weight. He is down to 137 pounds now and we hope he starts to gain weight soon. We had a good Christmas with family and friends coming here to be with us. Keep us in your prayers and pray hard that this drug works. We know it can with God's help.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

Amy, Kenny, their kids, Mary, John, Sary, Mom and Dad were able to visit Mark and Lola for Christmas Eve. Lola made ham, potatoes, beans and carrots. We had a great time together enjoying each others company, and watching the kids open presents. Mark is very thin and weak, but is alert and has his mischievous humor. What a blessing the spend the day with Mark and Lola!

December 22, 2010

Mark was cleared to go back to the extended stay hotel. The bleeding was due to the extreme drop in platelets, and the He can go back to the extended stay motel tonight.

December 21, 2010

Mark is back in the hospital. He went in today for his experimental treatment. They discovered his blood counts and platelets where very, very low. He has blood in his stool and lost 14 pounds. Drs are running tests to see what is going on. He can not start the experimental program until they know what is going on. Please keep them in your prayers.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Release Day

Mark and Lola were released from U of M hospital in-patient status today. They now will live at an extended stay motel in Ann Arbor while Mark continues out-patient treatment. Thank for all the prayers!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mark is keeping food down and feeling better, but the Dr.s won't let him leave the hospital until Monday. He will need to stay in an extended stay hotel near U of M hospital for now.